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Farewell to Sarah, our provisional psychologist!

Sarah reflecting on her time at CPC....

What was one of your biggest learnings from your time at CPC? I think our first instinct as psychologists is to dive right in and problem-solve whenever we hear and see our clients going through a challenging time. However, at CPC, I have learnt the power of simply sitting and supporting the client in what they are experiencing! I have been amazed at how resilient my clients have been.

What will you miss the most about CPC? The support I received from the clinical directors, other psychologists, and reception team! Many of the connections I have made in Canberra have come from this clinic and I am very thankful for that.

What are your plans following your departure from CPC? I will be heading back to Adelaide to finish off my thesis and a final placement before I finally qualify as a registered psychologist - hopefully by the end of next year if all goes well (crossing all my fingers and toes!)

Some final last words to your clients and your CPC family. To Jenna, thank you for providing me with guidance and support along this journey. It was a risk to accept a student for supervision from another state, but I am truly grateful for the trust you put in me. To Eryn and everyone else in the CPC clan, I love you all and I will never forget the love and support each and every one of you gave me. I hope to come back to Canberra soon to see you all again.

Get in touch!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns, and we look forward to connecting with you soon.

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