If there are concerns for your child’s behaviour and development then a developmental assessment is essential to assess whether your child may have a possible disorder that is causing this concern. A behavioural and developmental assessment will investigate difficulties such as: Developmental delay, sleep disorders, oppositional defiant disorder, anxiety and depression disorders and developmental concerns in relation to medical diagnoses.

3 Sessions
This assessment process will be conducted over three sessions, with the initial session being for the parents and primary care givers only, so a comprehensive history can be taken without the child being present.
Standardised assessment measures are then used during the second and third sessions with your child to investigate and determine if there is a diagnosable condition present, or if there are other reasons for your child’s difficulties.

Variety of Assessments
Our psychologists use a variety of assessments, including the Wechsler series (WISC-V, WIAT-III, WPPSI-IV) and the Griffiths III Scales of Child Development.

We liaise with medical professionals
It is very important for these assessments that the psychologist also liaises with all medical professional involved in your child’s treatment, especially if there are complex medical conditions or concerns.
This assessment is often conducted in conjunction with The Canberra Hospital or the Sydney Children’s Hospital when the child who is being investigated is also under their care for medical investigations.