Learning disorders are often found to be present when a child also has Autism, ADHD or other behavioural difficulties. Capital Psychology Clinic offers a comprehensive assessment process for educational profiles, developmental delay concerns, concerns about school performance, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. At times, if these disorders are a possible concern to be present alongside ADHD or Autism then these investigations will be included as part of those assessments to ensure a well-rounded investigation.

What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a learning disorder that makes it difficult for children and adults to learn to read words, letters and symbols. It is a term used to describe difficulties with reading, writing and spelling.
Often children and adults with dyslexia have strengths in other areas of learning, such as strong imaginations, skilled with their hands and design abilities and are usually very motivated in these areas to learn even through reading and writing are so challenging.

Signs that may suggest your child or teen has Dyslexia
- Trouble learning sight words
- Reads and rereads with little comprehension
- May spell phonetically and inconsistently, even though they have just spelled the word correctly
- Confusion with letter order
- Repetition, omissions or additions of words or letters when reading and writing
- Confused easily by letters, words, numbers and sequences
- Complaints of seeing movement while writing, coping or reading

Related disabilities or other challenges often found alongside Dyslexia
- Autism/ Asperger’s
- Auditory Processing Disorder
- Dyspraxia (balance issues)
- Dyscalculia (math difficulty)
- Dysgraphia (hand writing difficulty)

What is Dyspraxia?
Dyspraxia is often referred to as Developmental Coordination Disorder, impacting the individual’s physical coordination, which causes them to be clumsy and have difficulty in daily activities.
Sometimes signs of Dyspraxia can be seen in babies and young children who have difficulties in developing their milestones of crawling, walking, feeding themselves and dressing themselves. As the child develops it can become more obvious through their difficulty of drawing, writing and playing sports.
Typically a diagnosis is not given until the age of 5 or older.

Giftedness or Early Entry School Assessments
Capital Psychology Clinic offer early entry assessments for those children who wish to enter preschool/Kindergarten before the age requirement.
This is a short two hour assessment that meets the requirements and provides a full report for the public, Catholic and private schools to determine if your child meets the criteria to enter early.
Giftedness assessments culminate in a comprehensive report to ensure that parents, teachers and other school staff are provided with ample recommendations and guidance on best how to support the child at school and home. Our psychologists are happy to support Mensa applications.
Capital Psychology Clinic pride themselves on fast, professional turnaround times for all reports. These reports are usually provided with a very fast turnaround of NO longer than 3 weeks.